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House Cleaning Round Rock on Dish Sponge Do's and Don'ts

 On many occasions whether it is a grandeur or simple celebration, delicious meals are all set on the table. Of course, it is all mouth watering once tasted and consumed. We try to eat all various foods prepared to satisfy our craving. And it is so inviting to eat more than enough to taste every single flavor of it. More so, preparing meals is so important and so common even at home or to anyone. We need to prepare flavorful cuisine at home and enjoy it while eating. After partaking the food, what comes next? Well, piled up dishes are the next thing to consider, and House Cleaning Round Rock dish sponge introduces the Dos' and Don'ts.

 In House Cleaning, a clean sponge is so important for cleaning used dishes. A dirty kitchen dish sponge can breed bacteria and taint every single dish of your kitchen. Dishes and kitchenware once used and not properly clean are prone to bacterial contamination. So we need to apply proper House Cleaning methods to keep the plates, glasses, saucers, and other kitchenware safe and clean and bacterial free.

 House Cleaning Round Rock Clean Dish Sponge Dos':

  • After using the kitchen sponge, try to dampen your sponge in a microwave at a low heat temperature for at least 2 minutes. In this process, the heat of the microwave helps to dry the sponge and might kill the presence of the bacteria in the sponge.

  • After using the sponge, wash it well and use antibacterial dishwashing soap or a bar of ordinary soap. Place the sponge under the heat of the sun to let it try. It helps eliminate the bacteria.

  • Other methods such as submerging your sponge in a bleach solution. This is how to make the solution: ¾ cup of bleach for every gallon of water. Soak the sponge in 5 minutes and wash it after.

House Cleaning Round Rock Clean Dish Sponge Don'ts:

  • In the House Cleaning, cleanliness is important mostly in cleaning the dishes using a clean sponge and sanitation must come first. So, after washing the dishes do not drop the sponge in the bottom of the sink. Bacteria are all waiting to occupy the sponge.

  • One thing is that do not leave the House Cleaning sponge wet. In a case like this, bacteria grow easily. So avoid letting it soak overnight. 

  • Do not leave the sponge dirty. The dirty sponge can cause the bacteria to live longer and grows faster.


Again, it is good to eat using clean and bacteria-free dishes. And by knowing how to maintain the safety and cleanliness of your plates, glasses, and other kitchenware, we need a proper House Cleaning technique. Failure to clean it may cause the multiplication of bacteria in a dirty sponge. Dirty House Cleaning dish sponge may bring illness such as salmonella. It is so gross to imagine using that same contaminated sponge on something else is the same bacteria that we intake while we eat. So, always use a clean House Cleaning sponge - every single day.